PharmaTech (Published by KNS MEDIA )

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Pharmatech is the Industrial journal on pharma machinery and allied industry, which is published bi-monthly basis. More than 5000 copies distributed to all Pharma O.E.M’s, Pharma companies, Event visitors and exhibitors, Pharma institutions, libraries and many more Pharma related potential organizations.
Pharmatech provides an excellent platform to all Pharmaceutical machinery and allied industrial suppliers as well as Buyers, which is promoted to national as well international level. It is a magazine where you can find containtful and latest articles on pharmaceutical industry, which can be helpful to all pharma professionals.
Marketing Associate for the following magazines:
Colourage (Colour Publications P. Ltd.)

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The debut of COLOURAGE in August 1953 in a splash of color was in keeping with the nature of the industry it serves - the production and application of dyes and allied products used in the coloration of cotton, wool, jute and synthetic fibre fabrics. Though used mainly in textiles, dyes are in increasing demand for leather, paints, paper, cosmetics, plastics, food and many other products. It is the unique distinction of being the only journal of its kind in the country for the textile processing and the dyestuffs segments in the industrial horizon
Paints India (Colour Publications P. Ltd.)

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PAINTINDIA, which has built up a place for itself as the pioneer and the only journal in the paint industry not only in India, but in the entire Far East, has all along championed the cause of the paint industry, so much so that the Indian industry looks up to PAINTINDIA for objective presentation of news, independent expression of views, and dissemination of information on continuing research in paint and raw materials and international developments.
Popular Plastic & Packaging

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POPULAR PLASTICS emerged on the horizon in March 1955 as the voice of the Indian plastics industry. In August 1989, the magazine changed its name to POPULAR PLASTICS AND PACKAGING. This was in response to the trend that was developing, with packaging having become the single largest outlet for plastics materials in a variety of forms, from the conventional moulded containers to the complex multi-layer co extruded films, multi-layer bottles, laminated tubes, flexible bulk containers, laminates, fluorinated containers and what-have-you.
Beverage & Food World (Published by The Amalgamated Press, Mumbai)

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Beverage & Food World is a leading processed food industry journal that covers the processed foods and beverages industries in India. Beverage & Food World is a monthly journal read by top executives, product managers, purchase managers, leading food consultants & scientists, processed food manufacturers, catering establishments, restaurants & hotels among others in the processed food industry, from fields as diverse as the dairy industry, bakery & confectionery industry, food additives / ingredients industry, food packaging industry, water industry, instrumentation and coding industry, refrigeration industry. There are 10 special issues a year on these specific fields.